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RainTEC Center Pivot Components

Home > Products > Drive Trains > NI Mounts >
Center Drive Mounts

Conversion mounts to be used with complete drive train packages.

Center Drive Mounts
Item NI Part # Description
18 11003 Adapter, CD, NI x US Pattern
19 110109 Adapter, CD, NI x Durst/Ohio Pattern
20 33053 Clamp, CD Mount Strap, Gifford Hill, Sq. Deck
21 792110-2 Mount, Bolt-On, CD, Gifford Hill, Square Extended Mount
22 792228 Mount, Adapter, CD, NI, Durst to Ohio
792227 Mount, Adapter, CD, NI, Ohio to US
792258 Mount, Adapter, CD, NI, Durst to US
23 792232 Mount, Bolt-On, CD, Adapter, US, Durst to NI, slotted holes
24 792218 Mount, Adapter, NI CD to End Drive Gearbox, Pringle
25 79225P Mount Pkg., Motor, PowerTrac to Worm
26 792102P Mount Pkg., Bolt-On, CD, NI Alumingator Electrogator





Wheel Gearbox Mounts
Conversion mounts to be used with complete drive train packages.
Center Drives
Gearmotors, C-Face Motors, etc.