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RainTEC Center Pivot Components

Home > Products > Sprinklers > Sprays >
Nelson D3000 Sprayhead Pivot Sprinklers

Nelson D3000 Pivot Spray Heads

. A fixed-spray sprinkler which produces variety of patterns dependent upon specific spray plate.
. Flip-over dual spray cap allow easy conversion of the spray pattern.
. Choose spray plate options to germinate, irrigate, chemigate.
• Optional hose drag adapter for Low Energy Precision Application – LEPA.

Complete D3000 Pivot Spray Heads
NI Part # Description
92898 Complete D3000 w/ 3/4" M NPT Adapter
w/ Nozzle and one Spray Plate*
92898-B Complete D3000 w/ Barb Adapter
w/ Nozzle and one Spray Plate*
928120-1 Part Circle PC-D3000
w/ Spray Plate* and Body Assembly Only
(Does not include the nozzle, adapter, or hose barb.)

* Specify desired plate when ordering:
Turquoise - T
Green - GRN
Yellow - Y
Purple - P
Blue - BLU
Black - BLK
Gray - GRY
Orange - OR
Brown - BRN
Red - R

D3000 Components
D3000 Components
NI Part # Description
11080 3000 Adapter 3/4" M NPT
110138 3000 Adapter Hose Barb
795127 3TN Nozzle
928517 D3000/A3000 Body
928506 D3000 Cap
92844 Spray Plates *

* Specify desired plate when ordering:
Turquoise - T
Green - GRN
Yellow - Y
Purple - P
Blue - BLU
Black - BLK
Gray - GRY
Orange - OR
Brown - BRN
Red - R




Flow Chart
For Nelson 3TN Nozzle System.
For Nelson 3000 Series Pivot Products.
LEPA Accessories
Hose Drag Adapter, etc.
Nelson D3000 Components
Nelson 3000 Series Drop Configurations
Examples of Configurations.
Drop Components
Hose, Fittings, etc.
Nelson Pressure Regulators
Blue-Top & Blue-Top ST Models.
Pressure Gauges.
Nelson 3000 Series Pivot Products
Selection Chart.
Sprinkler Chart Data Form
For ordering Sprinkler Packages.