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Home > Products > Sprinklers > Sprays >
Senninger Pivot-Master® Irrigation Products

Senninger Sprays Selection Chart
Product Nozzle Pressure Range 1 Pivot Pressure Range 2 Nozzle Height Application Rate Application Efficiency 3 Diameter of Coverage 4

10 - 20 psi
(.69 - 1.38 bars)

20 - 30 psi
(1.38 - 2.07 bars)
3 - 9 ft
(.92 - 2.75 m)
Low - Medium
85 - 95%
40 - 57 ft
(12.2 - 17.4 m)
6 - 20 psi
(.42 - 1.38 bars)
15 - 20 psi
(1.04 - 1.38 bars)
1.5 - 14 ft
(.46 - 4.27 m)
Medium - High
90 - 97%
30 - 40 ft
(9.2 - 12.2 m)
6 - 25 psi
(.42 - 1.72 bars)
15 - 25 psi
(1.04 - 1.73 bars)
1.5 - 14 ft
(.46 - 4.27 m)
Medium - High
75 - 95%
25 - 40 ft
(7.6 - 12.2 m)
6 - 10 psi
(.42 - .69 bars)
10 - 20 psi
(.69 - 1.38 bars)
8 in - 1.5 ft
(.20 - .46 m)
Very High
95 - 98%
1 - 2 ft
(.3 - .6 m)
(Bubble Mode)
25 - 70 psi
(1.72 - 4.83 bars)
35 - 70 psi
(2.42 - 4.83 bars)
10 - 14 ft
(3.05 - 4.27 m)
65 - 80%
70 - 100 ft
(7.6 - 12.2 m)

1 Lower end of pressure range on some products allows larger droplets which can cause compaction in some soil conditions.

2 Pivot Pressure = pressure at top of mainline at the first outlet (range given is assuming 1300' of 6-5/8" galvanized pipe and < 800

3 Application efficiency = percent of water pumped that reaches the soil surface (may vary significantly depending on actual nozzle pressure and, where applicable, pad selection).

4 SPACING - Senninger recommends a minimum of 150% overlap (nozzles spaced no farther apart than 2/3 of throw radius) for all sprinklers and spray nozzles. In windier conditions, a 200% overlap is preferable. (Exception: The Quad-Spray should be spaced to travel down every other furrow.)

Senninger Pivot-Master® Irrigation Products
Click on the name for additional detailed information on these irrigation products.

i-Wob® LDN® (Low Drift Nozzle)

Super Spray® 6° Impact

For your convience when ordering sprinkler packages, use the handy Sprinkler Chart Data Form. >> Click Here to view.




Senninger Pressure Regulators
PSR and PMR Models.
Senninger Goosenecks & Truss Rod Hose Slings
Configurations, Components, etc.
Pressure Gauges.
Sprinkler Chart Data Form
For ordering Sprinkler Packages.